Telestream Wirecast is a software video mixer application that can be used to enhance the production value of your BoxCast broadcasts. Follow these steps below to integrate Wirecast with BoxCast RTMP integration.
Key Steps to Remember:
You must have a broadcast schedule in the BoxCast Dashboard to stream with Wirecast. We recommend starting the stream in Wirecast 10-15 minutes before so the broadcast will start at the Start Time selected in the dashboard. Example: If your broadcast starts at 10:00 am, start the stream in Wirecast at 9:45 to ensure the broadcast will start at 10:00 am. Wirecast will look like its streaming at 9:45 but NO data will go anywhere until 10:00 am.
1. Open Wirecast. Click on the Output menu, then on Output Settings.
2. Select the Destination as RTMP Server.
3. From your BoxCast dashboard, go to the Sources tab and click on your RTMP channel to get your RTMP codes.
*Wirecast uses the Server URL and Stream Key from the BoxCast Dashboard
4. Add your BoxCast Server URL to the Address area and your Stream Key to the Stream area. Once this is done, click ok. Bonus Tip: Click on Add in the bottom right corner to save these settings.
5. Lastly, hit the stream button in Wirecast and you are all set. As mentioned above, you do need to have a scheduled broadcast in the BoxCast dashboard for the stream to be successful.
Using a BoxCaster
Another way to stream from Wirecast is to send the Wirecast to a secondary HDMI output that is plugged into the BoxCaster. Using this approach provides the following advantages:
- The BoxCaster’s hardware encoding relieves your computer from the task of encoding the video and audio. Hardware encoding is more reliable and efficient.
- The BoxCaster can take advantage of specially-designed communication protocols to optimize your available network connectivity.
- The BoxCaster gives us the ability to help troubleshoot any issues with your broadcast, including hundreds of data points and logs our agents can look at. Wirecast provides limited troubleshooting capability.
To stream from Wirecast through your BoxCaster:
- Connect the Boxcaster to your computer via the appropriate cables (Display to HDMI, Thunderbolt to HDMI, VGA to HDMI, etc).
- Start Wirecast. Go to Output - Multi-viewer Output - Configure Displays - change the Monitor to 1920x1280 - change Layout to Full Screen - change Labels to Do Not Draw Labels - then click the arrow in the window below and select Live - click OK
- Go back to Multi-viewer Output - and select the appropriately named output (might just be Display).
Check this video out if you are having trouble.
Need to Buy a Wirecast License?