The Canon G50 or G60 are great options for your BoxCaster or BoxCaster Pro. If you are using our BoxCaster (HDSD2), you will need to change some settings on the these Canon cameras to make sure it connects correctly. At its default settings, the Canon G50 or G60 will output 4k which is not compatible with the the BoxCaster until you switch it to 1080i. Below will show you how to switch it so it will work with your BoxCaster. This is based on this article from Canon - CONNECTING TO AN EXTERNAL MONITOR TO PLAYBACK MOVIES (VIXIA HF G60 / LEGRIA HF G60)
Step 1
Press the MENU button.
Step 2
Select [ Display Setup ] and select 1080p for HDMI Max Resolution.
Step 3
Scroll down to HDMI SCAN MODE and click on that.
Step 4
Select the PSF (Forced 1080i)
This should allow the BoxCaster and the Canon G50 or G60 to connect with no problems. If you are still getting a blinking red light on the BoxCaster and you are broadcasting, stop that broadcast and start again. If this still does not fix the issue, reach out to our support team at