If you are a customer on any of our Public plans (fully free video to viewers) you can stream your broadcast to any destination using the "Other RTMP" destination.
Check out our video below.
1. Schedule a broadcast in the BoxCast Dashboard
2. When you get to the Publish Tab, click Show Social Media Broadcast Settings and click "Other RTMP." You will see two options "Multi-Use" or "Single-Use"
Multi-Use — Use this if you have an unchanging stream key from your destination. There are often described as "static," "consistent," or "persistent" stream keys depending on your target destination. This also allows you to save the destination and use it again in the future. Learn more about Saved RTMP Destinations here.
Single-Use — Use this if you are streaming with a one-time use RTMP key. This may be in situations where the service does not offer a persistent stream key or gives other options.
3. Go to your target destination and look for the "Server URL and Stream Key" Here are some examples of what that looks like from various sites.
The Stream Key and URL are in different locations on Twitch. More on Streaming to Twitch
Creator Studio > Live Streaming > Stream Now
*Make sure you click on "Use a persistent Stream Key" to get a Multi-Use RTMP Key from Facebook.
4. Copy the Server URL and Stream Key from your destination into the Server URL and Stream. If you are using the Multi-Use RTMP Destination, you can also give it a name and save it. Set the Max Resolution if it is known (Ex. Facebook is limited to 720p or under). If it is unknown, set it as `None (use highest).`
5. Schedule your Broadcast.
6. Please Note: Unlike the streaming with the Facebook, YouTube or Periscope Integrations, the Other RTMP Destination cannot pass the name, description or automatically start a broadcast on that destination for you. You will need to go to that destination and schedule a broadcast with the proper information.
Additional Notes:
- RTMP Destination can also be added when editing a broadcast
- You can edit the RTMP destination (Single-Use or Multi-Use) at any point (e.g. if you regenerated your stream key). Changing the Destination information will affects any current or upcoming broadcasts using that destination.
If you have any other questions please feel free to reach out to the support team at questions@boxcast.com